We want to take a moment to say thank you.
Yesterday marked the deadline for stakeholders to submit comments to the Departments of Labor (DOL) and Education (ED) regarding the Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs) governing implementation and administration of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). We are grateful to the hundreds of individuals and organizations across the country who shared their time and expertise to help shape the sets of comments submitted by National Skills Coalition over the last month.
Here is what you and your colleagues helped us develop:
- On May 21, NSC submitted general comments that address a range of key issues in the NPRMs covering Unified and Combined Plans, Performance Accountability and the One-Stop System; DOL-Administered Activities; and Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Activities. The comments represented input for our diverse partners and networks across the country, including members of our national Leadership Council.
- On June 12, the Workforce Data Quality Campaign, a project of NSC, submitted comments addressing several topics related to performance reporting, accountability, and data management. These comments synthesized input from multiple national and state organizations.
- On June 15, NSC submitted comments focused on WIOA implementation issues pertaining to immigrants and Limited English Proficient youth and adults. These comments were developed in collaboration with the National Immigration Law Center, following conversation with more than 40 immigrant-serving organizations in NSC's network. Twenty national and local immigration and literacy organizations signed on to the comments.
Thank you also to everyone in the NSC network who submitted their own comments and made their voices heard. If you have not already done so, please share your submissions with us.