Since 2012, John Brauer has served California’s working men and women as the Workforce and Economic Development (WED) Program Director at the California Labor Federation. WED acts as a workforce intermediary on behalf of its 2,000 affiliated labor unions and 2 million workers throughout the state. For the past decade, Mr. Brauer has served on the California Workforce Development Board and its Executive Committee and sits as an appointee of Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff to the Oakland Workforce Development Board. In addition, Mr. Brauer represents the Federation on the board of the California EDGE Coalition whose mission is to advance state policy and investments that create and sustain pathways into the middle class for all Californians, including individuals facing barriers to economic and social mobility. And he is a board member of TradesWomen, Inc, a nonprofit committed to promoting access and equity for women in non-traditional employment in California. Mr. Brauer is part of a blended household, with 6 children that make him proud every day for their contributions to making the world a better place.