IA Senate approves ed and workforce funds.

April 10, 2013

With bipartisan support, the Iowa Senate has passed an appropriations bill that will make a $13.5 million investment fund in the skills of Iowans and help close the skills gaps. The bill will provide $5.5 million for adult basic education, $5 million for Pathways for Academic Career and Employment (PACE) programs and pathway navigators, and $3 million for regional industry sector partnerships. During the months leading up to this vote, the Iowa Skills2Compete Coalition worked hard to educate policymakers on the importance of such investments.

The Iowa House of Representatives also passed a higher education appropriations bill, but it is about $60 million below the Senate’s target, and it does not propose funding towards these proven skill-building strategies. Leadership of both the House and Senate will soon begin negotiating the differences between both bills. The Iowa Skills2Compete Coalition plans to continue its advocacy throughout this process.

See our previous post on the Iowa Skills2Compete Coalition: Iowa S2C policy agenda off to a strong start.