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North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM) Annual Meeting

The NCIOM Annual Meeting provides an important opportunity to network, reflect, and work toward solution development. This year’s annual meeting will provide a deep dive into focus on long-term services and care, with a particular focus on growing and retaining the direct care and nursing workforce, with a broad mix of policymakers, practitioners, leaders, and representatives of healthcare, public health, and community-based organizations.

The North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM) is an independent, quasi-state agency chartered by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1983 to provide balanced, nonpartisan information on issues of relevance to the health of North Carolina’s population. The NCIOM convenes task forces of knowledgeable and interested individuals to study complex health issues facing the state in order to develop workable solutions. Recent NCIOM work includes the Future of the Nursing Workforce Task Force, Healthy Aging, Oral Health Transformation Task Force, and Serious Illness Care Task Force.


Featured Speakers

Robert will be giving the keynote at this event.

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