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Summit Sequels: From theory to reality: How skills advocates are advancing digital skills policy

August 09, 2022

There’s lots of conversation about digital skills, but how are workforce and education advocates actually tackling this issue on the ground? In this Summit Sequel, hear directly from state and local leaders about how they’ve advanced new policies that measure digital skills and create more equitable upskilling pathways for workers in frontline jobs. Find out how advocates have created digital upskilling programs that meet worker need and business demand. You’ll also get the latest updates on federal digital skills policy – including how the field can ensure the rollout of $2.75 billion Digital Equity Act investment helps close equity gaps, and upcoming opportunities to ensure that Congress incorporates digital skills into legislation such as the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, higher education bills, and new investments in industry-specific skills.

-Priyanka Sharma, Vice President, World Education, Inc.
-Ka’ala Souza, Digital skills consultant
-Greg May, Founder, Nexus Technology Services
-Melissa Sommer, Vice President, Brighton Center

Caroline Treschitta, Policy Analyst, National Skills Coalition


Resources shared in the chat during the Summit Sequel:


More about our speakers and their partners:


Resources shared by other webinar-attendees

  • For those interested in enhancing their digital upskilling initiative to include digital financial skills, check out www.fdic.gov/MoneySmart
  • SUNY’s #EmTechMOOC is a free online resource available to anyone who wants to improve their digital/media skills.
Tuesday, August 9, 2022 3:00 pm EDT

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