Unprecedented Opportunity: Meeting the Workforce Demands of New Clean Energy, Manufacturing, and Infrastructure Investments

An analysis by the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst commissioned by National Skills Coalition and the BlueGreen Alliance estimates that the combined investments in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), Inflation Reduction Act, and CHIPS and Science Act (CHIPS) will support nearly 3 million jobs per year over the life span of the laws. In total, the research shows the investments will support 19 million job-years.* 

National Skills Coalition and the BlueGreen Alliance released new research and key findings that quantify the impacts of the laws on our nation’s labor supply. 

Based on the findings described in this data brief, we’ve identified three critical areas for meeting the opportunities posed by this historic investment while ensuring that a greater number and diversity of workers have the training, credentials, and support to access and succeed in these roles: 

  • Investing in Inclusive Education and Training Programs 
  • Diversifying the Infrastructure and Clean Energy Workforce 
  • Elevating Job Quality and Enhancing Worker Protections 

Download the full data brief for an overview of how these three laws and their investments provide a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the backbone of our economy—the blue-collar, middle-class jobs that require skills training. Stay connected for future infrastructure advocacy opportunities through National Skills Coalition’s People Powered Infrastructure campaign.  

* A job-year is one person working at one job for one year.