National Skills Coalition with be launching a Work-Based Learning Academy to support up to five state teams in developing state policy proposals and advocacy strategies to expand work-based learning to low-income communities.
Work-based learning is an issue of increasing interest among state policy leaders. While some states have adopted policies to support apprenticeship, few have policies aimed at expanding work-based learning opportunities for low-income adults and out-of-school youth.
NSC’s Work-Based Learning Academy will focus on helping state teams develop and advance state-level policies in the following areas:
Applications for participation are now being accepted and are due by March 1, 2018. The Academy will officially launch in May and run until June of 2019.
NSC will also be hosting a webinar on our recently released Work-Based Learning Toolkit. In addition to an overview of the toolkit and a federal policy update, this webinar will feature Pat Steele of Central Iowa Works and Anne Kilzer of the Minnesota Workforce Council on apprenticeship initiatives in their states. The webinar will occur on February 20th at 1:00pm EST. Register for the webinar here.