WIOA passes in the Senate

June 25, 2014

The Senate has passed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), bipartisan, bicameral legislation to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). WIOA passed the Senate on an overwhelmingly bipartisan basis, 95-3. The legislation authored by Senators Harkin, Alexander, Murray, and Isakson and Representatives Kline, Miller, Foxx, and Hinojosa will now move to the House.

Read NSC’s summary analysis of WIOA. For more detailed information on the contents of the bill, see NSC’s side-by-side analysis, or watch NSC’s recent webinar, Unpacking WIOA.

The version of WIOA approved today is a “manager’s amendment,” meaning it incorporates technical changes made to the bill by staff following introduction. The language of the manager’s amendment has not yet been made publicly available. NSC will provide additional information on any changes made once the language is released.

WIA is more than 11 years overdue for reauthorization. NSC applauds the Senate for taking an important step to modernize our nation’s workforce system and ensure that all U.S. workers and businesses have access to the skills they need to succeed in today’s economy.

WIOA could come up for a vote when the House returns from the Fourth of July Recess, although exact timing is unclear. NSC will closely monitor the House and will provide updates as they become available.