California Legislature Passes Dashboard Bill

By Bryan Wilson, September 03, 2014

Last week the California Assembly passed A.B. 2148, establishing a state workforce dashboard that will show the performance of major workforce development programs. The Senate has already passed the bill, and it is now on its way to Governor Brown for his signature. Assembly Member Kevin Mullin sponsored the legislation.

The bill is supported by the California EDGE Coalition and the Coalition is urging Governor Brown to sign the bill. As explained by Executive Director Rona Sherriff, “Our coalition is committed to building the skill base of California’s workers and believe the workforce dashboard will help to identify how well California’s workforce education and training system is meeting regional and state needs for degrees, certificates and earnings in high demand sectors of the labor market."

The State Workforce Investment Board will establish and update the dashboard annually. The dashboard will show results of Workforce Investment Act Title I, Adult Basic Education, Apprenticeship, Community College Career Technical Education, Trade Adjustment Assistance, and the Employment and Training Panel (California’s customized training program). The dashboard will include the number of credentials completed and show the post-program earnings of program participants. Breakdowns will be available by race and ethnicity, gender, veteran status, age and industry sector.

Dashboards showing the progress of workforce and education participants through the system and on to employment are a valuable tool for policymakers and program administrators. They can help leaders better align workforce and education programs with each other and with the labor market, close skill gaps for employers, and ultimately improve individuals’ employment and earnings.