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The Meeting of the Minds 2023 Conference

The Meeting of the Minds 2023 conference, with the theme "Rooted in Community: Working Together Toward Success," aims to highlight the significance of partnerships and strategic relationships that lead to tangible outcomes.

This year's conference will showcase innovative collaborations that combine resources, programs, goals, and purpose to drive positive change in the communities we serve. By working together, we can achieve great things, as Helen Keller once said, "Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much."

Hosted and designed by the California Workforce Association (CWA), this conference will emphasize innovative and strategic collaborations, programs, principles, and partnerships that demonstrate the work being done to achieve success in their communities. Attendees can learn how these programs started, are implemented, and how they can be scaled to their areas or programs.


Featured Speaker

NSC staff will present the CA Worker Equity Work at The Meeting of the Minds 2023 Conference. In this session, panelists will explore different perspectives on authentic community inclusion in workforce and comprehensive regional economic strategies. Participants will leave with concrete examples of what they can do to create the conditions for greater community participation in inclusive regional economic development to achieve more equitable outcomes.

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