AlabamaWorks! Webinar – Non-Degree Credentials Quality Assurance
NSC Senior Fellow Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield joins AlabamaWorks! for a webinar focused on non-degree credentials.
NSC Senior Fellow Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield joins AlabamaWorks! for a webinar focused on non-degree credentials.
NSC's Jessica Cardott, Senior National Network Manager, and Caroline Treschitta, Policy Analyst, joined the Ohio Workforce Coalition to share NSC's federal policy priorities for the new administration and discuss ways for you to get involved in educating public officials about the importance of skills! Watch the webinar below and click here to download the slides. […]
We are sincerely disappointed to announce that we won’t be meeting in DC in 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. But our skills advocacy on the Hill will continue on. NSC has a series of virtual advocacy opportunities lined up to ensure that our network gets in front of their policymakers to tell them that […]
The Role of Policy and Advocacy - attendees will hear from Mary Clagett (Senior Director of The Workforce and Education Policy Team at Jobs for the Future), Rebecca Karp (Managing Principal and CEO of Karp Strategies), and Katie Spiker (Director of Government Affairs at the National Skills Coalition) on the role of policy and advocacy […]
In this interactive webinar, you’ll experience how 2020 became the tipping point for a more intentional approach to addressing these issues in career and technical education. Discover how educators and industry partners have implemented Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies for career and technical education and workforce development that result in better-engaged learners, regardless of […]
For NCWE members only Join National Skills Coalition and the National Council for Workforce Education for a rundown on the new administration and the new Congress, how their priorities will impact workforce education, and how you can bring the needs of your students into the conversation on Capitol Hill. With a new administration and unified […]
Join CAEL for a conversation with two national public policy leaders - Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield of National Skills Coalition and Emily Bouck West of Higher Learning Advocates - to discuss recent COVID legislation and how it will affect adult learners, postsecondary institutions, and the workforce. From FAFSA to broadband, from funding for colleges to child care […]
Join NSC's own Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, India Heckstall, and Brianna McCain as they present at COABE's 2021 National Virtual Conference! The Covid-19 pandemic has alerted many elected officials to the importance of digital skills. Now is a great time for adult educators to help policymakers connect the dots and understand how they can invest in adult […]
Join NSC's own Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, India Heckstall, and Brianna McCain as they present at COABE's 2021 National Virtual Conference! In recent months, adult educators have gotten increasingly comfortable with teaching foundational digital skills. But what about industry-specific digital skills? This session will provide examples of how adult learners are being called upon to use technology […]
Download Slides The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown millions of Americans out of work and challenged libraries to find creative ways to help jobseekers and adult learners navigate an uncertain and fast-changing landscape. This webinar will feature national policy experts who will provide big-picture context, data, and resources to help library staff to strategically connect with […]
At this year's Alabama Interstate Talent Development Convening, NSC's own Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield will be presenting a breakout session called "The Role of Non-Degree Credential Quality Assurance" alongside Cleve Poole of the Alabama Committee on Credentialing and Career Pathways and Vicky Ohlson of the Alabama Community College System. The convening is designed to serve as […]
National Skills Coalition and workforce development experts from the BlueGreen Alliance, the Manufacturing Institute, National League of Cities, and National Urban League analyze the administration's American Jobs Plan, how any job creation package must include skills training to be successful, and what they need to see from Congress to get America's workers and business back […]
While the effects of layoffs and furloughs caused by the COVID pandemic will certainly shape the foreseeable future, the long-term health prognosis for the American workforce will largely be determined by a metamorphic revolution in communications, data, and automation. The pandemic helped spark a mass shift to digital tools and communication that will accelerate the […]
The Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development will hold a remote hearing titled: “Growing Jobs through Infrastructure Investment.” The national infrastructure has long deteriorated but investing in it today creates millions of good paying jobs for American workers now and into the future. However, it is not enough to create […]
The 11th New England Workforce Network (NEWN) Conference is a collaborative effort with workforce professionals from all over New England. This year's theme, Fast Forward: Innovative Workforce Development in Changing Times, reflects the turbulent times and the tremendous synergistic value of planning and acting in concert with the various stakeholders in workforce areas. This year's keynote […]
Summit Sequels
Summit Sequels is a series of virtual skills events where we’ll continue the conversation, held at the Skills Summit, about skills policy issues at the state and federal levels.
Listen to this 2022 series to hear about best practices in the states and models that can inform federal decision-making and to discuss ongoing opportunities in federal and state skills advocacy.
Fireside Chats
National Skills Coalition hosts a series of fireside chats between CEO Andy Van Kleunen and various policymakers as they discuss the critical role of investments in skills training for workers, employers, and an inclusive economic recovery.