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National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE): New Workforce Professionals Academy

Caroline Treschitta and Jennifer Stiddard will be speaking at Anne Arundel Community College as a part of National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE)'s event, New Workforce Professionals Academy. Caroline will speak at a panel called "Becoming a Workforce Advocate", followed by both her and Jennifer Stiddard speaking on a "Future Federal Legislation and Funding" panel.

Champions for Education 2022

https://youtu.be/RLYGn_KUw5g The Champions for Education webinar forum will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, April 27th. Attendance is free. Please complete registration below. Tickets to the Champions for Education VIP Mixer that follows our webinar at 5 PM on the 27th are free with event sponsorships or are available for $75. Speakers include:   Kelli […]

Illinois 2022 WIOA Summit

What do we know about workers' digital skill needs & how to support them? Digital skills are in-demand for jobs across industries. Home health aides need to enter patient information via […]

Middle Plains Adult Ed Association Conference

NSC's Kate Kinder will be giving two presentations during this conference. At 1:00PM PST she will present in "Building Career Pathways Systems by Harnessing SNAP E & T" The conference is HYBRID with limited in person space.

Illinois 2022 WIOA Summit

Digital Equity Act: New Federal Investment & What it Means for the WIOA System Congress passed the $2.75 billion Digital Equity Act as part of infrastructure legislation last year. Find […]

Skills for California Summit 2022

The Skills for CA Summit will bring together partners from across the state to advance a collective workforce policy agenda that promotes equity, systems innovation, and pathways to good jobs. […]

Summit Sequels: Making Skills Training Affordable for Working Adults

https://youtu.be/VYiI4gsXGaU Affordable, high-quality education and training is essential for an inclusive economic recovery. Too often, however, financial assistance programs are not accessible to working adults or fail to incorporate in-demand skills training. Some states have taken the lead in developing strategies that address these barriers, including through college promise programs, cross-system partnerships, and alignment of […]

Past Events

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Summit Sequels

Summit Sequels is a series of virtual skills events where we’ll continue the conversation, held at the Skills Summit, about skills policy issues at the state and federal levels.

Listen to this 2022 series to hear about best practices in the states and models that can inform federal decision-making and to discuss ongoing opportunities in federal and state skills advocacy.

View the Recordings
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Fireside Chats

National Skills Coalition hosts a series of fireside chats between CEO Andy Van Kleunen and various policymakers as they discuss the critical role of investments in skills training for workers, employers, and an inclusive economic recovery.

View Past Chats