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What Students Want

Students and workers pursuing non-degree pathways are navigating higher education systems not designed with their realities in mind. In our latest brief, "What Students Want: Students’ Experiences and the Implications of Enhanced Holistic Supports for Non-Degree Pathways," we share insights from our Student Advisory Council on the supports they need to succeed

Download the brief

Campaign Blogs

Sign the Petition

It is time to modernize higher education policies to ensure equitable college access, completion, and connection to quality careers that lead to economic mobility—and help businesses thrive by training talented workers that can fill in-demand jobs. We must center students' lived experience and expertise in our policy change efforts to begin to redress structural racism in our education and training systems and to make college accessible to all people, particularly those who have faced systemic barriers to educational opportunity.

Sign the Petition
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It's time to make college work for working people

Voters support the need to modernize higher education policies to ensure equitable college access, completion, and connection to quality careers that lead to economic mobility—and help businesses thrive by training talented workers that can fill in-demand jobs.

New Public Opinion Research

Campaign Resources

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Expanding College & Career Possibilities: A Policy Action Initiative

Expanding College & Career Possibilities: A Policy Action Initiative is a dynamic peer learning and policy action community where skills advocates in 20 states will engage in peer learning, policy action labs, and access tailored technical assistance and research and promotion – all with the goal of increasing college affordability, holistic supports, and completion of quality non-degree credentials that offer pathways to quality careers and further education.

Learn More

Meet our Student Advisory Council

The Making College Work Student Advisory Council is a learning and advisory group made up of diverse learners of all ages and backgrounds who are currently or previously enrolled at community and technical colleges, pursuing career-focused programs and pathways. Student Advisors will participate in a yearlong program where they will share their perspectives and experiences pursuing and navigating community colleges, workforce pathways, and career-focused credentials and inform policy solutions to improve access and completion of quality postsecondary programs.

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Amplifying Student Voices: Meet NSC’s new Student Advisory Council

NSC’s Making College Work campaign aims to transform postsecondary education by driving policy change that widens the path to postsecondary education, begins to redress structural racism in our education and training systems, and better serve students, employers, and our economy.

Read the Blog

Campaign Staff