“We’re going to rise and fall together in this debate,” Emily Holubowich, the executive director of the Coalition for Health Funding and co-chairwoman of NDD United, said at a morning news conference at the National Press Club. “Working separately wasn’t working, clearly.” NSC is a co-convener of NDD United.
“These cuts have consequences and every American will pay the price,” she said, adding that the sequester would bring cuts to not only defense but also the medical research community, food inspections, national parks and public safety, among other areas.
The groups also announced that it was sending letters to President Barack Obama and members of Congress on Monday in an attempt to convince both sides of Pennsylvania Avenue to find an alternative to the sequester. NDD United’s one page of text has 71 additional pages of 3,200 signatures representing organizations around the country from the Adult Congenital Heart Association to the Wyoming School Counselor Association.