Publications National Skills Coalition’s 2024 Year in Review Issues: Future of Work, Higher Education, Industry Engagement, Racial Equity and Inclusion Author: Carlos Diaz Barriga
Publications Workforce Partnerships for an Inclusive Clean Energy Workforce Issues: Industry Engagement, Racial Equity and Inclusion Author: Kate Michaels, Amanda Bergson-Shilcock
Publications Unprecedented Opportunity: Meeting the Workforce Demands of New Clean Energy, Manufacturing, and Infrastructure Investments Issues: Future of Work, Industry Engagement Author: Nicky Lauricella Coolberth, Kate Michaels, Jeannine LaPrad, Brooke DeRenzis
Publications Legislative Agenda for the 118th Congress Issues: Higher Education, Industry Engagement, Racial Equity and Inclusion Author: Caroline Treschitta
Publications Building the Future Workforce Author: Patrick Mortiere, Melissa Johnson, Jeannine LaPrad, Brooke DeRenzis
Publications Executive Summary of PERI Report: Employment Impacts of New U.S. Clean Energy, Manufacturing, and Infrastructure Laws
Publications Legislative Agenda for the 118th Congress Issues: Higher Education, Industry Engagement, Racial Equity and Inclusion Author: Megan Evans, Katie Spiker, Caroline Treschitta
Video Skills on the Hill Episode 17: State of the Union Issues: Industry Engagement Author: Katie Spiker, Andy Van Kleunen
Publications Industry Recovery Panel Perspectives: People-Centered Infrastructure Issues: Industry Engagement Author: Rachel Unruh