States should improve transparency and quality of credentials for an equitable recovery

By Rachel Vilsack, August 05, 2021

Students, parents, & teachers need to know which skills training programs lead to employment 

People need clear and reliable information about their educational options. And, they also need to know how to navigate these options. It’s no mystery why: there are nearly 1,000,000 unique credentials issued in the U.S. and more than 50,000 training providers and community colleges that offer credentials. Good data is about equity: it helps students, working adults, and people undergoing career transitions select a path that’s likely to lead to career success.  Good data shines a light on what training programs will help them succeed in growing industries. Data helps people understand which credentials will help them upgrade their skills to find work in the new economy. 

Creating an impact with Credential Quality and Transparency is a state policy toolkit that illustrates how states can use the quality non-degree credential framework (outlined by National Skills Coalition) and the linked open data network, common description language, and publishing platform created by Credential Engine to improve credential quality and transparency.