Patrick Mortiere

Policy Analyst

As a policy analyst, Patrick conducts research and analysis to advance workforce policies, funding and systems that increase access to skills training, worker equity, and build an inclusive economy. Patrick’s areas of focus include the public workforce development system, support services, workforce partnerships, postsecondary education, and solutions that can advance job quality, worker voice, and meet the needs of local employers. Patrick’s work primarily supports California and other Western States, as part of SkillSPAN.

Prior to joining National Skills Coalition, Patrick worked as the California Deputy Director at Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, an initiative of the national nonprofit Council for a Strong America, which mobilizes grasstops community leaders in advocating for investments in evidence-based policy solutions that promote child well-being. In Patrick’s role, Patrick led a 300-person membership organization, facilitated legislative meetings and advocacy days, and developed policy agendas around cradle-to-career issues. ​​Patrick also brings experience working as a journalist, covering policy and political issues.

Patrick has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a pre-law concentration from James Madison University, as well as a minor in Political Communications. Patrick is based in San Francisco, California.

Patrick Mortiere