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It’s time for Congress to invest in a more equitable, resilient workforce system

NSC and the National Fund for Workforce Solutions make an urgent call for Congress to invest in a more equitable, resilient workforce system – one capable of supporting the efforts of people across the country who are working hard to navigate education, training, and employment to advance their careers and unlock economic prosperity for themselves and their families.

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New Ideas for WIOA

We need to turn WIOA from an underfunded system to one that is adequately resourced to deliver high-quality skills training that supports the assets and aspirations of working people, helps small businesses who hire locally and invest in their workers, and advances racial equity and pathways to quality jobs. This discussion brief lays out a set of ideas that could improve WIOA to contribute to an inclusive economy.

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New Ideas for WIOA
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Empowering Change: How an Initiative in New Mexico is Redefining Workforce Equity

State efforts highlight the important role workforce advocates and partners play in ensuring a national workforce system that supports an inclusive economy — one where workers and businesses who are most impacted by economic shifts, as well as workers who face structural barriers of discrimination or lack of opportunity, are empowered to equitably participate in — and benefit from — a growing economy.

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