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Ohio Workforce Coalition’s January Webinar

NSC's Jessica Cardott, Senior National Network Manager, and Caroline Treschitta, Policy Analyst, joined the Ohio Workforce Coalition to share NSC's federal policy priorities for the new administration and discuss ways for you to get involved in educating public officials about the importance of skills! Watch the webinar below and click here to download the slides. […]

2021 Skills Summit – Canceled

We are sincerely disappointed to announce that we won’t be meeting in DC in 2021 due to the Coronavirus pandemic. But our skills advocacy on the Hill will continue on. NSC has a series of virtual advocacy opportunities lined up to ensure that our network gets in front of their policymakers to tell them that […]

NYCETC Virtual Conference Series: The Role of Policy and Advocacy

The Role of Policy and Advocacy - attendees will hear from Mary Clagett (Senior Director of The Workforce and Education Policy Team at Jobs for the Future), Rebecca Karp (Managing Principal and CEO of Karp Strategies), and Katie Spiker (Director of Government Affairs at the National Skills Coalition) on the role of policy and advocacy […]

Policies for Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Career & Technical Education

In this interactive webinar, you’ll experience how 2020 became the tipping point for a more intentional approach to addressing these issues in career and technical education. Discover how educators and industry partners have implemented Access, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies for career and technical education and workforce development that result in better-engaged learners, regardless of […]

Webinar: Workforce Education in the Biden Administration and 117th Congress

For NCWE members only Join National Skills Coalition and the National Council for Workforce Education for a rundown on the new administration and the new Congress, how their priorities will impact workforce education, and how you can bring the needs of your students into the conversation on Capitol Hill. With a new administration and unified […]

Policy update: what new legislation means for you, your work and adult learners

Join CAEL for a conversation with two national public policy leaders - Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield of National Skills Coalition and Emily Bouck West of Higher Learning Advocates - to discuss recent COVID legislation and how it will affect adult learners, postsecondary institutions, and the workforce. From FAFSA to broadband, from funding for colleges to child care […]

Creative State Policies to Support Digital Literacy – COABE Conference 2021

Join NSC's own Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, India Heckstall, and Brianna McCain as they present at COABE's 2021 National Virtual Conference! The Covid-19 pandemic has alerted many elected officials to the importance of digital skills. Now is a great time for adult educators to help policymakers connect the dots and understand how they can invest in adult […]

Digital Skills on the Job: New Data + Advocacy Opportunities for Adult Educators – COABE Conference 2021

Join NSC's own Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, India Heckstall, and Brianna McCain as they present at COABE's 2021 National Virtual Conference! In recent months, adult educators have gotten increasingly comfortable with teaching foundational digital skills. But what about industry-specific digital skills? This session will provide examples of how adult learners are being called upon to use technology […]

Libraries and Workforce Development: Connecting the Dots between Your Patrons and Public Policy

Download Slides The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown millions of Americans out of work and challenged libraries to find creative ways to help jobseekers and adult learners navigate an uncertain and fast-changing landscape. This webinar will feature national policy experts who will provide big-picture context, data, and resources to help library staff to strategically connect with […]

Alabama Interstate Talent Development Convening: The Role of Non-Degree Credential Quality Assurance

At this year's Alabama Interstate Talent Development Convening, NSC's own Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield will be presenting a breakout session called "The Role of Non-Degree Credential Quality Assurance" alongside Cleve Poole of the Alabama Committee on Credentialing and Career Pathways and Vicky Ohlson of the Alabama Community College System. The convening is designed to serve as […]

Building Back Better with People-Centered Infrastructure

National Skills Coalition and workforce development experts from the BlueGreen Alliance, the Manufacturing Institute, National League of Cities, and National Urban League analyze the administration's American Jobs Plan, how any job creation package must include skills training to be successful, and what they need to see from Congress to get America's workers and business back […]

The Hill’s Future of Jobs Summit

While the effects of layoffs and furloughs caused by the COVID pandemic will certainly shape the foreseeable future, the long-term health prognosis for the American workforce will largely be determined by a metamorphic revolution in communications, data, and automation. The pandemic helped spark a mass shift to digital tools and communication that will accelerate the […]

Committee on Small Business Hearing “Growing Jobs through Infrastructure Investment”

The Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Workforce Development will hold a remote hearing titled: “Growing Jobs through Infrastructure Investment.” The national infrastructure has long deteriorated but investing in it today creates millions of good paying jobs for American workers now and into the future. However, it is not enough to create […]

2021 New England Workforce Network Virtual Conference

The 11th New England Workforce Network (NEWN) Conference is a collaborative effort with workforce professionals from all over New England. This year's theme, Fast Forward: Innovative Workforce Development in Changing Times, reflects the turbulent times and the tremendous synergistic value of planning and acting in concert with the various stakeholders in workforce areas. This year's keynote […]

Using Data to Drive Credential Quality and Transparency – C2ER Conference/LMI Institute Annual Forum

View the slides from NSC Senior Fellow Rachel Vilsack's presentation at the 2021 C2ER Conference/LMI Institute Annual Forum Using Data to Drive Credential Quality and Transparency - June 9th, 1pm ET Education and training have become essential to our nation’s economic mobility and growth following an historic pandemic that disrupted the lives and livelihoods of […]

CTE Without Limits – Lunch And Learn Part 2

Lunch and Learn #2: Each learner feels welcome in, is supported by, and has the means to succeed in the career preparation ecosystem Date: June 22, 2021 Time: 4:00 PM ET This session is the second in Advance CTE’s Lunch & Learn series focused on exploring each of the principles from Without Limits: A Shared Vision […]

Press Conference: Pushing for Investments in Workforce Development

On Thursday, July 22 at 12pm EST, Chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor Robert C. "Bobby" Scott hosted a remote press conference with NSC’s CEO, Andy Van Kleunen, Secretary Marty Walsh, U.S. Department of Labor, Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten, U.S. Department of Education, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), Chair of […]

Microsoft: Reshaping America’s Digital Infrastructure for the 21st Century and Beyond

On July 22, at 2pm ET, NSC’s Director of Government Affairs, Katie Spiker, will join a virtual discussion on reshaping America’s digital infrastructure for the 21st century and beyond, hosted by the Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center. The virtual discussion will also feature Michigan Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist, Dr. Dominique Harrison of the Joint Center […]

Addressing the Long-Term Unemployment Crisis

As the country continues to reopen, many long-term unemployed workers may return to the workforce. But, individuals will be reentering a job market that looks different from a year and a half ago. Businesses large and small embraced technology and automation in new ways, accelerating trends that existed before COVID. These individuals will need training, […]

Essential In Deed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V49GR4IQeyM How state policies can support upskilling for essential workers and ensure small businesses have the talent they need to succeed. Resources FAQ Technical Assistance Application

Training and Hiring Strategies that Lead to Good Jobs for Immigrant Communities and English Language Learners

California is home to nearly 11 million immigrants - accounting for almost 27 percent of the state’s population. Roughly 2.5 million immigrants are undocumented, meaning less access to social safety net programs, financial assistance, and job security.  Throughout the ongoing pandemic, immigrants, including English language learners (ELL), have been impacted the most - facing systemic […]

Digital Skills, Equity and the Best Jobs of the Future

As the United States celebrates National Digital Inclusion week (October 4-8, 2021), the STEM Education Coalition Policy Forum invites you to a briefing on October 7 at 11:00 am EST for policymakers to learn more about the daily obstacles that communities across the country face in accessing and navigating the Internet. The COVID-19 pandemic has […]

New Federal Investments in Digital Equity: What Skills Advocates Need to Know

https://youtu.be/PJWxOkxlDVM Over the past 18 months, National Skills Coalition members have worked hard to educate policymakers on the need to invest in digital skills. Our Digital Equity @ Work campaign has highlighted the importance of holistic digital inclusion investments that help workers not only access the broadband and devices they need, but also to pursue […]

Implementing the Digital Equity Act

What Workforce and Education Advocates Need to Know about Digital Inclusion https://youtu.be/O5ZLOUuvVb0 The infrastructure legislation that Congress enacted last November made a huge new investment in digital skills via the $2.75 billion Digital Equity Act. For workforce development and adult/higher education advocates, this new funding provides many opportunities -- but taking advantage of it will require familiarity […]

Credential Mobility and Transparency: Pathways to Licensure and Employment

The Council of State Governments (CSG) invites you to a webinar to discuss professional licensure, obstacles to mobility and transparency and solutions for efficient and inclusive credentialing practices. CSG’s Occupational Licensure Project, funded by the US Department of Labor, has sought to remove barriers for professional licensure.     Obtaining a professional license can be confusing. […]

Gearing Up for the Digital Equity Act with Libraries

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1T5tQ7uf1Q Download Slides Hosted by National Skills Coalition in partnership with American Library Association and Public Library Association The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act includes a historic investment in advancing digital equity, and an opportunity for libraries to leverage and expand their roles in that work. In particular, the Digital Equity Act provisions include a […]

Upskilling American Workers for Middle Skill Jobs Requires a Strong Foundation

On Thursday, April 21, 2022, from 11am to 12pm Eastern, please join AIR for a presentation and discussion focusing on a new policy report from the ETS Center for Research on Human Capital and Education called Buttressing the Middle: A Case for Reskilling and Upskilling America’s Middle-Skill Workers in the 21st Century. This report explores […]

National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE): New Workforce Professionals Academy

Caroline Treschitta and Jennifer Stiddard will be speaking at Anne Arundel Community College as a part of National Council for Workforce Education (NCWE)'s event, New Workforce Professionals Academy. Caroline will speak at a panel called "Becoming a Workforce Advocate", followed by both her and Jennifer Stiddard speaking on a "Future Federal Legislation and Funding" panel.

Champions for Education 2022

https://youtu.be/RLYGn_KUw5g The Champions for Education webinar forum will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, April 27th. Attendance is free. Please complete registration below. Tickets to the Champions for Education VIP Mixer that follows our webinar at 5 PM on the 27th are free with event sponsorships or are available for $75. Speakers include:   Kelli […]

Illinois 2022 WIOA Summit

What do we know about workers' digital skill needs & how to support them? Digital skills are in-demand for jobs across industries. Home health aides need to enter patient information via iPads; retail store workers are using price-change and inventory-control apps; construction workers have to submit work-order changes using mobile apps for blueprint technology; and truck drivers […]

Middle Plains Adult Ed Association Conference

NSC's Kate Kinder will be giving two presentations during this conference. At 1:00PM PST she will present in "Building Career Pathways Systems by Harnessing SNAP E & T" The conference is HYBRID with limited in person space.

Illinois 2022 WIOA Summit

Digital Equity Act: New Federal Investment & What it Means for the WIOA System Congress passed the $2.75 billion Digital Equity Act as part of infrastructure legislation last year. Find out what this new investment means for WIOA system partners and how it will be rolling out to states. What will this policy look like […]

Skills for California Summit 2022

The Skills for CA Summit will bring together partners from across the state to advance a collective workforce policy agenda that promotes equity, systems innovation, and pathways to good jobs. The event will dive into California's workforce policies, investments, initiatives, and the bold efforts the network is making to forge an inclusive economic recovery for […]

Summit Sequels: Making Skills Training Affordable for Working Adults

https://youtu.be/VYiI4gsXGaU Affordable, high-quality education and training is essential for an inclusive economic recovery. Too often, however, financial assistance programs are not accessible to working adults or fail to incorporate in-demand skills training. Some states have taken the lead in developing strategies that address these barriers, including through college promise programs, cross-system partnerships, and alignment of […]

Summit Sequels: People Powered Infrastructure

https://youtu.be/rjHvJs8qv5k Last year, the federal government made a nearly trillion-dollar investment in physical infrastructure including roads, bridges and transit. This investment is projected to create millions of new jobs. How do we make sure that workers most impacted by the pandemic have access to those jobs? And how can workforce strategies ensure that infrastructure jobs […]

Summit Sequels: Advancing Equity and Job Quality through Industry Partnerships

https://youtu.be/BPXhkTqb96g Developing industry partnerships that promote equity, quality jobs, and economic mobility is the recipe for success. Workforce partnerships can help employers explore hiring and retention challenges, understand workplace culture, diversify talent pools, and ensure there are community-based pathways to employment and careers in their company and industry sector. This summit sequel will explore innovative […]

NSC Fireside Chat: Industry Partnerships, Equity, and Job Quality with Mitch Landrieu

NSC CEO Andy Van Kleunen joins Senior Advisor to the President and Infrastructure Implementation Coordinator Mitch Landrieu, and a group of local leaders for a discussion about the Biden administration’s efforts to support industry partnerships, advance racial equity, and produce quality jobs through the rollout of the bi-partisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Biden […]

Measuring Job and Credential Quality Webinar

The growing effort to define program, job, and credential quality requires investments in P–20W data systems to capture measures of quality and make that information transparent to the public. Join […]

Past Events

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Summit Sequels

Summit Sequels is a series of virtual skills events where we’ll continue the conversation, held at the Skills Summit, about skills policy issues at the state and federal levels.

Listen to this 2022 series to hear about best practices in the states and models that can inform federal decision-making and to discuss ongoing opportunities in federal and state skills advocacy.

View the Recordings
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Fireside Chats

National Skills Coalition hosts a series of fireside chats between CEO Andy Van Kleunen and various policymakers as they discuss the critical role of investments in skills training for workers, employers, and an inclusive economic recovery.

View Past Chats