The briefing will highlight the needs of adult learners and provide information about the interconnected role of adult education in our workforce development and higher education systems. There will be two panels, the first consisting of individuals who will share their experiences as former adult learners who now work in adult education programs. The second […]
The NTIA Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives (OMBI) plays an important role in the Internet For All initiative by promoting equitable high-speed Internet access and adoption at Historically Black Colleges […]
An overview of workforce development items addressed in the Federal and State budgets.
Join the Center for Workforce and Economic Opportunity for our May 31 live webinar, Ask Us Anything: Closing the Digital Skill Divide. Our guest speakers include Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, senior fellow, NSC; […]
Digital transformation is changing where, how, and when we work and learn, as well as the skills needed for economic advancement. Use of digital tools extends across all industries, and the tools workers are expected to use change frequently Today, over 90% of jobs require digital skills, yet nearly a third of all workers lack […]
Developing and Cultivating Tomorrow’s Workforce to Mitigate Business Risk
Our forum will feature engaging speakers, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities to help you gain the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the digital age. Whether you're a training provider, entrepreneur, or community leader, this event is for you. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn about […]
NSC Staff will present CA Worker Equity Work at The Meeting of the Minds 2023 Conference. In this session, panelists will explore different perspectives on authentic community inclusion in workforce and comprehensive regional economic strategies.
In this next installment of the Chicago at a Crossroads series presented by Old National Bank, Comcast’s Broderick Johnson, National Skills Coalition’s Rachel Unruh, Chicago Public Library’s Christopher Brown, and […]
Join us for the second session of the National Clean Energy Workforce Alliance’s webinar series: From Theory to Practice.
Comcast will host its second annual Project UP Summit on October 16th and 17th at the Comcast Technology Center in Philadelphia. At the Summit, Comcast is convening their valued partners for programming […]
Join fellow decision makers and expert panelists for this five-part webinar series to chart the course for a skilled, resilient workforce.
The Skills in the States Forum convenes state and local leaders from across the country who are working to bring skills training opportunities to more people through policy changes in […]
Breakfast with Legislators events provide Chamber members and their employees the opportunity to establish relationships with key decision makers and voice opinions on issues moving forward in Lansing.
This invitation-only event will bring together a mix of postsecondary, workforce, data, and policy advocacy stakeholders from a handful of states to examine states' investments in non-degree credentials and programs […]
The Net Inclusion conference, hosted by 501(c)(3) National Digital Inclusion Alliance, has been a staple in the digital inclusion community since 2016. Attendees will tell you this is the can’t-miss space […]
Capitol Hill briefing hosted by National Skills Coalition and National Institute for Civil Discourse
Let’s explore how the workforce development field can be more reflective of the change it seeks to cultivate. Join us this fall and winter in the “Workforce Leadership Café” for […]
As workforce leaders, we can articulate the value and importance of upskilling our community’s workforce all day long. But what about us? What improves and ignites us?
Summit Sequels
Summit Sequels is a series of virtual skills events where we’ll continue the conversation, held at the Skills Summit, about skills policy issues at the state and federal levels.
Listen to this 2022 series to hear about best practices in the states and models that can inform federal decision-making and to discuss ongoing opportunities in federal and state skills advocacy.
Fireside Chats
National Skills Coalition hosts a series of fireside chats between CEO Andy Van Kleunen and various policymakers as they discuss the critical role of investments in skills training for workers, employers, and an inclusive economic recovery.